Once completely enveloped in an overgrown tangle of invasive Russian Olives, this homeowner wanted to get rid of the Russian Olives and have a unique space the entire family could enjoy. Sensitive to the ecosystem, we removed the invasive Russian Olives and renovated this landscape using a combination of understory elegant evergreen trees, and native flowering plants and shrubs to complete the design. We created a unique outdoor environment that reflected their objective and met with all their desires.
Just what the client ordered. Our Madison client likes her landscape to have a less formal look. Varied textures in foliage compliment one another while long blooming flowers provide a vibrant display all season in this garden. No matter the perennial isn't completely upright, this is just how she likes it!
A large decorative gravel courtyard is outlined with belgium block and surrounded with flowering shrubs and fragrant lavender in this landscape. A great spot for the family to relax around the fire or entertain guests in this Madison courtyard.
An expansive lawn encompasses the main area lined on one side with sweeps of evergreens, and flowering shrubs. Tall evergreen False Cypress create a thick border for this layered landscape. The next layer consists of flowering shrubs that provide fragrance and beauty in the summer and structure in the winter. A wide collaboration of perennials complete the next layer, complete with staggered bloom times ensures there is always color in the garden.
Large ornamental grasses lend vertical height to this private park-like Madison residence. Columbine, Lupine and Cardinal flower are among the native plants that provide colorful flowers throughout the growing season in this Madison landscape.
Flowers can be found throughout this private park-like landscape. The quaint picket fence that surrounds their pool makes the perfect backdrop to incorporate a cottage garden in this area. Perennial sunflower and blue star add vertical height to the garden while coreopsis and coral bells add color and texture with their foliage medley. The heavenly fragrance of lilies drift to the patio and make for a truly enjoyable poolside area that delights all the senses.
Large containers add a great mix of perennial flowers for a cutting garden. With something always in bloom no matter the season, this section of the landscape was turned into a cutting garden that consistently provides a fresh bouquet to bring inside.
This landscape design is comprised of a mophead hydrangea that steals the show in this mixed garden of both sun and shade. Sitting at the base of a flagpole, this landscape welcomes our Madison client as she enters her driveway.
The cutting gardens continue in this section made up of four oversized raised landscape beds. Jazzy, upright Zebra grasses add both height and drama so the gardens have a little intensity.
This expansive landscape border consists of a variety of unique shrubs and flowering perennials. The unique character of the Harry Lauder's Walking stick in the background, along with other ornamental shrubs and evergreen perennials create drama in the winter garden.
A seating area with fire pit is a great place for gatherings. Surrounded by lavender, it’s an enticing fragrance that lightly beckons without being overwhelming.
A wide variety of perennials provide color, fragrance and beautiful bouquets to be cut and brought inside all season long.
Large, unique trees both evergreen and flowering provide a stunning backdrop even in the winter. Tall ornamental grasses dance in the breeze while a succession of blooms creates interest all season long. From her kitchen she has sweeping views of her own personal park, while various seating areas and courtyards entice the senses in other areas of the landscape.
Here’s the property before our renovation: